Songs of Joy & Peace Best Review
Following Yo-Yo's cello has led us to some really wonderful music over the years.
He has so much fun with his musician friends & shares it with us!
This particular body of work is surprisingly varied & delightful any season of the year.
Nothing grates or irritates, and it all flows so nicely that I have to listen again when it ends.
This CD introduced me to Renee Fleming who sings a Blossom Dearie tune so lusciously that it will make you weep.
Songs of Joy & Peace fits well into my preferences since many of these musicians have been in my ears for years.
Solid, beautiful music here which I generously recommend to your listening ears.
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Songs of Joy & Peace Overview
Imagine a party, a musical party inspired by the holiday season. A party that celebrates the universal hopes, dreams and joy animating seasonal festivals the world over - Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid al-Adha, Kwanzaa, Yule and New Year's Day. That is what brought Yo-Yo Ma together with a remarkable group of friends - some old, some new - to create SONGS OF JOY & PEACE. It is Yo-Yo's hope that everyone who listens to this album will hear a song familiar, comfortable and beloved to them as well as discover and fall in love with music that is brand new.
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Customer Reviews
Not what I expected from Yo-Yo-Ma - Rocky - USA
Just not the kind of CD I expected from Yo-Yo-Ma. Seller would not do a return for opened merchandise.
Must Have Yo-Yo Ma - Nancy Bjerkeset - Norway
I sent it as a Christmas gift to my mother and she loved it! I had seen the special on TV about the making of the CD and enjoyed the emotions that each song brought out in me - truly lovely... though it's a X-mas CD it can be enjoyed throughout the year.
A fantastic musician! - M. B. Ore - Oslo, NO
Yo-Yo Ma is a fantastic musician to my mind. He is at ease no mater what kind of music he's playing. Songs of Joy & Peace, where he plays different carols and Christmas music++ with good musician friends, shows how he masters a wide range of music. I'm taking my hat off!
Not a Christmas Album - Catt - Long Beach, CA USA
Only a few songs that I would call Christmas songs - overall a very odd album - not recommended if you are expecting a traditional Christmas album....many songs are not pleasant to listen to.
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