Sunday, October 18, 2009

Buying Scribblenauts

This is a must own game if you have a DS, whether you are young or old. The game has it's quirks but what game doesn't? The controls are a little weird at first but I got used to them fairly quickly. The biggest drawback of the game I feel is when the camera snaps back to Maxwell (your character). If you are on the other side of the level doing something, the camera will scroll back over to Maxwell if you don't do anything for a few seconds.

One thing everyone should know about this game is that it is as fun as you make it. If you don't have a decent imagination, you probably will struggle with it. The thing I really like about the game is that as you progress you are always prompted with puzzles that get you thinking about objects you might not have thought about before. These are simple levels that ask you to just summon objects (like given a specific type of person a corresponding object/food) which gets your mind thinking.Get more detail about Scribblenauts.